Sunday, November 8, 2015

Mandalas On The Facebook Page

Since August, I have revamped the Mandalas For Malaysia's facebook page, and now, have collected a good number of mandalas, both from Malaysian contributors and from around the world. They are all available for viewing by clicking on this link:

Please like the page, and offer your mandalas there. Thank you!

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Mandalas For Malaysia at The Golden Space, 6 August 2015 (Part 3)

Ho'oponopono Mandalas For Malaysia - "Garden Of Love" by Xin Yu; and "Tree of Life" by CC

Mandalas For Malaysia at The Golden Space, 6 August 2015 (Part 2)

Ho'oponopono Mandalas For Malaysia - "If Your Eyes Are Closed, Look With Your Heart" by Lue; and "It's About Time" by Catalina.

Mandalas For Malaysia at The Golden Space, 6 August 2015 (Part 1)

Last Thursday, I facilitated a special Ho'oponopono Mandalas For Malaysia. I feel it is needed due to the political and economical situation in Malaysia lately. We have 4 lovely women drawing mandalas that night. The Ho'oponopono meditation and mandala drawings were pretty intense. Thank you brave healers and warriors!

Mandalas For Malaysia at The Golden Space, 18 June 2015 (Part 2)

Here are "Mother Nature" by Pakia; "Shining" by Judy; and "Malaysia In A Nutshell" by Gerard

Mandalas For Malaysia at The Golden Space 18 June 2015 (Part 1)

Here are two Mandalas For Malaysia drawn at The Golden Space, 18 June 2015 - "Eternal Connection" by Lionel; and "Growing" by Evanah.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Mandalas For Malaysia on 24 Feb 2015 (Part 3)

This mandala is drawn by me, Khema-Yen on 24 Feb, but I only completed it on 1 March. It's called "Golden Lotus Suspended in The Void".

The image of the golden lotus suspended in the void came to me while meditating, and that's when I heard: Form is Emptiness, Emptiness is Form. Gate Gate Paragate Parasamgate Bodhi Svaha.

May all Malaysians understand the truth of Form and Emptiness.

Mandalas for Malaysia on Chinese New Year, 24 Feb 2015 (Part 2)

This is an interesting mandala drawn by a 13+ years old boy, named ETX. He called his mandala "Mandala Bombed!" I asked him what this means and he said that his mandala is bombed by the many firecrackers been lighted up during the Chinese New Year.

Mandalas For Malaysia On Chinese New Year, 24 Feb 2015 (Part 1)

This lovely mandala is drawn by Miss CC titled, "Joyful Growth". She said that this year is going to be a year of joyful growth for her. May it also be a year of joyful growth for all Malaysians.

Saturday, January 31, 2015

2015 - A Love Story

I drew, and completed this mandala titled "2015 - A Love Story" on 26.1.2015.

There's a number 8 in the mandala, and if you were to notice the numerology of :

26.1.2015 = 2+6 . 1. 2+0+1+5 = 8.1.8 = 17 = 8!

A mandala with a number 8 is drawn and completed on a day with a number 8! What beautiful synchronicity!

So, I offer this special "2015 - A Love Story " mandala as a Mandala For Malaysia. May beautiful and wonderful love stories be manifested in the hearts and minds of all Malaysians.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

A Crack In The Darkness

With all the gloom and doom atmosphere in Malaysia lately, I would like to offer a mandala that I drew on 25 November 2014. It's called "A Crack In The Darkness".

May there be a crack in whatever darkness Malaysians (and the rest of the world) are facing right now, so that the Light can shine right through everyone's hearts and minds.

Mandalas For Malaysia at Setenang Buddhist Society, 1 Jan 2015 (Part 2)

Here are the mandalas offered by Setenang members on 1 Jan 2015. May their wishes come true!

Mandalas For Malaysia at Setenang Buddhist Society, 1 Jan 2015 (Part 1)

On the first day of 2015, a group of Setenang members gathered together to draw their mandalas for Malaysia. The theme is "Health, Peace, Abundance and Prosperity for 2015"

Mandalas For Malaysia at Setenang Buddhist Society, 29 November 2014 (Part 2)

Here are the Mandalas For Malaysia, from Setenang Buddhist Society, 29 November 2014.

And, after all the drawing, we were treated by a delicious lunch by Mr. Jerry Khoo, the President of Setenang Buddhist Society. The lunch spread is a mandala itself!

Mandalas For Malaysia at Setenang Buddhist Society, 29 November 2014 (Part 1)

On the morning of 29 November, mums with their kids came to Setenang Buddhist Society to draw their mandala offerings to Malaysia. We had an enjoyable time that day.